Friday, June 5, 2009

My Sister's Keeper

My Sister's Keeper
by Jodi Picoult

This story shows just how unbreakable a bond is between sisters. Kate suffers from Leukemia. Kate is 16 and her sister, Anna, is 13. At this point, Kate needs a kidney transplant, and Anna is required to give her own kidney. Kate wants to make her own decisions, though, so she hires a lawyer and sues her parents so she can make her own medical decisions. However, there is one crucial decision that might tear the entire family apart and change their lives forever. This book will be sure to inspire you, and definitely change you perspective on things.

-N. Ortega

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
by J.K. Rowling

Most of you have probably seen the movie, but there are things in the book that aren't in the movie. The ghosts of Hogwarts are in the book much more than in the movie. Harry, Hermione, and Ron are very good friends by the end of the book. You'll have to read the book to find out what I mean!

J.K. Rowling did a spendid job! Everything is detailed and vivid. It is a very imaginative adventure. Some of the concepts are hard to picture, but it's all so interesting! I couldn't put this book down.

-L. Hall

Thursday, June 4, 2009


By Stephanie Meyer

This book is about a young girl named Isabella who moves to a place in Washington called Forks. Bella gets attached easily to he new school she goes to : she has plenty of friends to talk to but she's a very shy girl. Of course, she sees a nice young man named Edward Cullen the first day of school. Edward seems repulsed by her in a strange way: he tries not to be around her, and she overhears him asking the office to change his class. All of a sudden, he's gone for a few days and when he comes back, things are better. One day Bella was in the parking lot at school next to her truck, then all of a sudden a van was heading her way in fast motion and she sees Edward far away from her. As the van gets closer, Edward mysteriously saves her with his bared hands.

Bella is full of questions and constantly pesters Edward. Bella is still constantly trying to figure it out, until Edward tells her: he can't control how he reacts to the scent of her blood. Later on Bella and Edward fall so deeply in love, but Bella is in some trouble with other vampires who eat human blood instead of eating animal blood like Edward's family. These other vampires try hard to find her because her blood smells the richest to them, too. Bella wants Edward to turn her into a vampire, but Edward isn't sure.

Will the other vampires find her? Is Edward going to turn Bella into one of his own and let her be part of the family? What's going to happen? Read the book to find out what happens to Bella and Edward when the bad vampires find her.

-E. Fernandez

Bella is a magnet for danger, but never in her life has she been in as much danger as she is in Forks, Washington, a small, rainy town where her father is on the police force. In Forks, Bella meets Edward Cullen. Edward is different: his eyes are intense, he moves with speed quicker than the blink of an eye, and he saves Bella’s life on multiple occasions. There is one other remarkable thing about Edward: he’s over a hundred years old, and a vampire: and he thinks Bella smells tastier than anything else. This book is the first in the series and introduces readers to a world of romance, mystery and danger.

-Ms. McConnel

I read the Twilight series since my daughter was reading the books and I enjoyed them. The creative way the author treated the subject matter was fun to read, and it presented a fresh take on an old subject.

-Mrs. Grogan

Twilight is a book about a girl named Isabella Marie Swan, they call her Bella for short. She moves from Phoenix,Arizonan to Forks,Washington to live with her father. She meets new friends and on her first day of school their names were: Mike,Jessica,Ben,Angela,Lauren,and some more teenagers. She also meets the Cullen's: Edward,Rosalie,Jasper,Emmett, and Alice. They weird thing is they were all vampires! Edward was a cute,old-fashion vampire that falls in-love with Bella... and Bella falls in-love with Edward. Along the way she meets Jacob Black, a Native American boy, with long brunette hair, he has beautiful eyes. Also, along the way of a little fairy tail... let me rephrase that, NIGHTMARE, a vampire was after Bella and not for her beauty... for her blood! The smell of her blood triggered to him and he started chasing after her sent. Near the end she tells her father that she wants to go home, and not to be cooped up in this house anymore. So she left with Edward... where she would be safe. But when Edward leaves her with Alice and Jasper... They leave to somewhere far away from the vampire, James. But there were three other vampires helping him but one that was with James gave the Cullen's a heads up about James saying that he will never stop until he gets Bella... and he didn't...

-A. Pepper

Bella, who can help her bad luck streak? Clumsy, quiet, smart, ECT. She is 17 years old and she just moved in with her father in Forks, Washington, and the rainiest city in the U.S. She meets Jessica and Mike and a lot of other people at school. When she saw Edward, she didn’t mind him. But then in Biology class, He was being rude and couldn’t stop staring! He left in a hurry and didn’t come back for almost a week. She thought it had to do with her being there. But then, Edward starts talking to her and he finds out from Jacob, an old friend, that he is a vampire . She asks him and he tells her everything she needs to know about vampires. He told her it’s very dangerous to be together but she didn’t care. They were in love. At the end, she asks him if she can be a vampire with him and he, of course, said no.

-C. McGee

May Bird and the Ever After

May Bird and the Ever After
By:Jodi Lynn Anderson

Ghosts, darkness, dead people, scary creatures! If you enjoy those things in stories, then May Bird is a great story for you to read. This story is about a girl named May Ellen, who lives near the woods.May is consider the ''weird'' girl at school so her only friend is a hairless cat named Somber Kitty. Her cat acts like a guardian to her. May enjoys the woods. It makes her feel free.One day though May finds a letter and a map in the woods. The letter is calling for her help to go to the lake. May looks for the lake and one day falls in. After May falls into the lake, the journey and adventure begins.Join May and her cat in this story, and see if May is able to get out before she becomes a ghost! If you can not handle scary books, then this may not be good for you.

-A. Houston

The Twinkie Squad

The Twinkie Squad
By: Gordon Korman

The Twinkie Squad is a overall good book. It has a lot of really funny moments in it.Serious moments are in it as well. This book is about a group of kids who are in a after school counseling group,called the Special Discussion Group.This group is also called "The Twinkie Squad". They are all referred to as weirdos and names of that manner. When Douglas Fairchild comes to Thaddues G. Little Middle School, things change.He is the son of the ambassador,but Douglas has also flunked! It does not take long to figure out that Douglas will be in the '' Twinkie Squad'' after all the disasters and troubles he has caused. It's not like his old private school at all! In this book you can see the friendships that Douglas makes, and all the hilarious things that goes on. At first no one wants to even be apart of the Twinkie Squad, but at the end many more students do.

-A. Houston


by Jerry Spinnelli

It was the first day of school at Mica High School and the halls are buzzing about the new girl who calls herself Star girl Caraway. To say she is different is an understatement. Her clothes are different as are her mannerisms, and she has a pet rat she carries around in a bag that has a picture of a Sunflower on it. Leo Borlock learns about Stargirl from his best friend Kevin Quinlan. During lunch, while Leo and Kevin are sitting together, Star girl pulls out a Ukulele and begins to strum on it and dance around the lunchroom. Day after day, she does this focusing on one particular person to whom she sings Happy Birthday. It is unclear how she knows that someone has a birthday. Hillary Kimble says she thinks Stargirl is a "plant," someone put in the school by the administration to get students interested in school, to create school spirit. Through this whole book, she is someone you would most likely never meet at school and that is what makes this book so interesting. There is no one like Stargirl.

-M. Jefferson

Bridging Beyond

Bridging Beyond
by Kathleen Benner Duble

"The Bridging Beyond" is a wired, scary, crazy book that makes you think about life in a unusual way it’s a book that will give you nightmares, make you scared to finish, but also make you scared that if you don’t finish than the dreams will stay with you forever. But that’s what makes it so great it’s a book like no others it has scary parts, it has funny parts, and a lot of tragic parts in it .But that’s what makes you want to flip on to the next page and keep reading and that’s, also the kind of book you tell all your friends you half to read. This is really a book I will never forget.

-M. Jefferson

The Pearl

The Pearl
by John Steinbeck

The pearl is about a poor family that lives in a small poor town called “Las Paz”. Kino always hears songs in his head that either expresses his feelings or they tell him that something’s about to happen. He has a son named coyotito and his wife’s name is Juana. One morning as Juana was making their small amount of food for breakfast, Kino heard the song of evil and instantly coyotito was bit. As Kino’s small village gathered around to see what the commotion is about, Juana suggest that they go to the doctor. Now the doctor is a very greedy and selfish man, he’s racist and only helps the rich with problems. He tells Juana and Kino that he won’t treat coyotito unless they come up with the money to pay him for it. So desperate to find money Kino, Juana and coyotito sail out on Kino’s canoe and try to find clam pearls. When Kino dives into the water he sees something glisten in a clam and instantly the clam shuts. So he takes the clam and brings it back to the canoe. When he opens it he finds “the pearl of the world” as some pay call it. At first the pearl seems like a blessing, that it will help all of Kino’s problems. Juana warns Kino that such a great pearl will cause many problems for them. Kino doesn’t listen. Many problems come their way such as greed, rubbings’ and even killing. It’s to the point that it’s so crazy, that the family has to run away.

This book was great. It kept me interested the whole journey. It hits all of your emotions. On a scale of one to 10 I give the book a 10.

-M. Colon


by Gordon Korman

Did you ever think what money would make a person do? Griffin Bing will do anything to stop a con-artist. One day when Griffin and his best friend Ben decide to have a sleep- over at the soon to be demolished Rockford house. When Ben and Griffin finally realize that everybody else was too afraid to come that’s when they start to look around the house. As they look around, Griffin looks inside of a draw and finds a rare Babe Ruth baseball card. So old that they know they would get fortunes for it. s the next day Griffin and Ben decide to go to the pawn shop and sell it to the owner, S. Wendell. Not knowing of his collectibles to baseball cards, S. Wendell cons Griffin into selling the baseball card. Later finding out of this great fortune he just lost, he holds a meeting at his school with a unique set of talents. He tells the kids what happened to the card and tells them his plans on stealing it back. Hesitant at first, the kids then agree after hearing that they get a cut of the money. In the plans, Griffin is the tools and brains (leader) of the group. Ben is just his partner in crime. “Pitch” is the rock- climber and takes care of the scaling of the house. Logan, the dedicated actor, takes care of keeping the nosey neighbor out the way so he doesn’t know what happens. Savannah, who loves animals a lot, whispers the mean Doberman so he doesn’t attack them. Melissa, who is a computer “whiz”, takes down the alarm systems. The master plan is set and the kids are ready to get the card back.

I enjoyed this book because of the action and the great plan the kids made up themselves. I also likes this book because the kids stand up for kid rights.

-M. Colon

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New Moon

New Moon
by Stephanie Meyer

Edward's family throws a birthday party for Bella, she slices her finger on an envelope and Jasper attacks her because he cannot control his blood urges. Edward decides to leave Bella forever because he thinks its best for her so she can have a normal life. Bella lives her life in a depressed trance and spends a lot of time with Jake at La Push where she learns that he and his whole family are werewolves. Bella and the Cullen’s go to Italy to rescue Edward where he is attempting to make the "Volturi" mad which are a powerful family because he thinks Bella is dead and is trying to get the Voluturi to kill him. They rescue Edward and Bella and Edward are reunited. It was so close because Edward was like 2 seconds of almost being killed. Bella was so happy because she and Edward were meant to be and they deserve each other.

-A. Caldwell

As you know Bella Swan is addicted to Edward Cullen, a vampire she fell in-love with. Well Edward decides that it would be better if he left Bella alone and leave and never come back. She gets all depressed and well her father,Charlie is sick and tired of her being so sad all the time so he threatens her to go to Jacksonville to live with her mother. Then she says she would straighten up and all of a sudden she starts hanging out with Jacob Black, a Native American boy with long beautiful hair and gorges eyes. They kind of fall-in-love. Well along the way Alice, Edward's -sister- if u could say visited Bella and said that Edward thought that she was dead because she jumped off a cliff to go cliff-diving... Alone. So he thought she was trying to kill herself because he left her, well he was going to show that he was a vampire to the whole world... So she goes after him to show him she is alive. Will she get there in time? Will she save Edward from showing himself and getting killed? Read the book to find out!

-A. Pepper

In the beginning of New Moon, Bella turns eighteen! Another year of not becoming what she wants to become, a vampire. Edward and his family throw Bella a birthday party, but a simple paper cut can throw off EVERYTHING! Bella was opening her presents from the Cullen family and she cuts herself opening one. No big deal right? Wrong. Edward reads Jaspers thoughts and pushed Bella across the table, and she cut her self up more because there was shattered glass. Alice pulled Jasper out of the house. Edward felt so bad, on the way home, no one said a word. However, the next day, Edward announced that he was leaving and Bella could not believe it. So she goes into a “depression” stage until Charlie, her dad, tells her to go and hang out with Jacob. And she falls in love with him, or so she thinks. They hang out every day and one day Jacob offers to go cliff diving. When Jacob leaves to get something, Bella goes and tries to cliff dive herself. But, she does not know that Alice saw her do that before she even done it. When she is in the water, she hears Edwards voice, not for the first time. When Bella gets home, Alice is waiting for her, but with bad news. Edward was so upset that he thought Bella was going to kill herself that he is going to expose himself to humans! So Bella, Alice, and Jasper are on their way to Italy to save the day!

-C. McGee