Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul: II

Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul
Volume two
By: Jack Canfield,
Mark Victor Hansen,
Kimberly Kirberger.

To me, there has never been a book so real. Chicken Soup is truly the antidote for any girl’s issue. This book publishes the real life testimonies of girls and even guys all over the world. It will make you laugh, and make you cry, but nevertheless you will get something out of this book. It includes stories of love, hardships, losing people close to you, your self image, and everything in between those four. Chicken soup is a must read and will be sure to lift your spirit. If you read it and end up falling in love, there are always opportunities to write the authors. Who knows, your story may end up in the next Chicken Soup.

-J. McVerry