Sweet Valley High- #26-Hostage
by Francis Pascal
Regina Morrow has returned unexpectedly to Sweet Valley from Switzerland where she is supposed to be getting her hearing restored, when Elisabeth finds out (Regina’s best friend) she figures Regina's there to surprise her boy friend,but to her surprise he didn’t even know she was in town. Therefore, they call the Morrow house, where a strange woman says that no one is home and is Regina ’s aunt, she is watching the house. Elisabeth is suspicious and worried considering the things she just got through and decides she is going to Regina ’s house again to see what is wrong, as the gate was locked and that is arousing her suspicions.
A weird woman answers the door, says Regina is not there, and slaps the door in Liz’s face. Then Elizabeth sees that Regina has entered the foyer! The woman harshly tells Regina ” I thought I told you to stay upstairs”, and Regina ” helplessly” goes up the stairs. Jessica tells Elizabeth she does think that maybe something is wrong at the Morrows’. Jessica has a plan that the twins could ask Eddie Strong, the delivery dude, when he is next due to deliver something at the Morrow house, and they could sneak a note in with the package delivered. In addition, Jess says they could ask Eddie about making the delivery for him. Jess says Bruce can pretend to be the delivery boy. Jessica gets the idea that they can sneak the note for Regina into a fashion magazine, and figures the strange lady won’t pick it up,so they do this and Regina gets the package and they set up a plan by the end of the story a lot is revealed and a lot of relief and satisfaction justice will be served.
-M. Jefferson