Monday, May 11, 2009

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks
by E. Lockhart

Frankie Landau-Banks was a mildly geeky girl who attended a very prestigious boarding school. That was her freshman year. In her sophomore year, everything changes. Frankie starts growing up, looking more like a woman, and investing in a leave in conditioner to take care of her frizzy hair. Oh, did I mention she secretly heads the largest secret society on campus without anyone knowing it's her? Her intelligence, cunning, and creativity give her the personality of a leader, the leader of the Secret Society of the Basset Hounds. Some of the things she's done are "the night of a thousand dogs", and "the canned beet rebellion", and many, many more. Frankie will grab hold of you and take you for a ride in this very realistic, but somehow not, adventure.

-A. Ellis

Frankie attends an exclusive prep school which was once for boys only but is now coed. Left over from the days of being a school for boys only is a secret society which does not admit girls. Frankie is very upset about this and decides to use the secret society to do her bidding. She has them do all kinds of pranks and pulls their strings in a number of creative and inventive ways.

A major problem for Frankie is that she has a major attraction to Matthew, who is one of the leaders of the secret society and her criminal masterminding has a serious effect on their relationship.

This is a girl power book in the best sense with attractive and interesting characters, both female and male. One wants to encourage Frankie all through the book with, "You go girl!".

-Mr. Dale